Finland Ulla Haga

Ulla Haga

The ideas for my sculptures come from everywhere, from different interesting details in positions or movements which grab my attention and fascinates me and gradually they will take a form in clay and finally in bronze.

In my works I mostly have examined the life of a woman. I get the ideas for my sculptures from almost everywhere, when I look at the movie, sports or some dancing program on TV.

Also historically a woman´s life and her position under different time periods is very fascinating, and this is an aspect I have tried to study in many of my works. I also often try to catch a sudden or interesting movement in the sculpture and I feel satisfied, if I have succeeded in it. In my style viewers can notice simplification in shaping but at the same time a clear realistic tendency, as well as a bit mysticism also.

With the patina – black or green – I will point out the dramatic or lighter feeling of the artwork.